Business &
Before your session
We are thrilled that you chose The Studio for your portraits! You’re going to absolutely LOVE them!
Professional business portraits are essential to making a lasting impact on your current and potential clients. Whether they're needed for your website, social media accounts business cards, billboards or advertisements, we offer a variety of backgrounds for your needs - whether they are classic and elegant, or contemporary and modern. We also offer custom-designed timeline images for your Facebook business page.
Whether you opted for the in-studio head shots, on-location portraits, or our popular expanding image portraits, planning outfits for your session is an important step in ensuring you'll love your portraits.
The links on the left will take you to our Pinterest page of outfits, where you can get ideas and examples of clothing options you might try for your session.
As always, if you're ever unsure about what to wear for your session, feel free to reach out to us at 608.782.1080. We would love to help.
Businesses are always growing and changing, and we offer expanding groups to help meet the ever-changing needs of your business. Expanding groups are created with each person of your group being photographed individually. When you have a new hire, we can simply photograph them individually and add them to your group! If someone retires, we can quickly remove them from your group. This innovative approach takes the busywork out of photographing your group, and allows you to always have an up-to-date image on hand.